Oh Bailey! The sweetest Vizsla this side of the Saint Lawrence River!
Bailey was a gentle soul. And while he was also very sensitive, in all other respects he was the complete opposite of Blu. He was born the summer of 1996, and at a wee 8 weeks old, was picked up in Gloucester, Ontario and brought home to Montreal. He was a food thief, a seasoned runner and was happiest under the covers cuddling with his mum. He passed away April, 2010 at 14 years old and has been dearly missed ever since.
Bailey was:
The very best food thief: he stole rum cakes, entire loaves of bread, bagels and syrupy waffles from Amsterdam!
Bailey loved:
Cuddling and walks up at the Summit.
Bailey was scared of:
Thunder and walking over grates or man hole covers.

Oh Blu! What would our store have been without you?
Our beloved Blu, our Gooey, our Goobs & our Bubs was a one-of a kind creature who never failed to bring a smile upon anyone’s face. Blu was a purebred Vizsla (Hungarian Pointer) who was born in the wee hours of the night to a lovely breeder in Orillia, Ontario in 2010. At a tender 9 weeks old, he was whisked away to his forever home in Montreal where he became an integral part of the Bailey Blu Team and the NDG community. Whether he was leaning into you or trying to climb every lap in sight, Blu was absolute pure, unconditional love. He was smart, handsome, funny, and the dorkiest dog we’ve ever had the honour of calling our friend. Over the years, he managed to retain every ounce of his puppyhood and he will always be that beautiful, magical soul we fell in love with so many years ago. Blu passed away in peace on the morning of December 8th, surrounded by love. We miss him so deeply, every single day.
Blu was:
Stubborn. A leaner (didn’t matter whose legs he was leaning against). Smart. Impatient. Had a beautiful joie de vivre.
Blu loved:
Running through the woods chasing squirrels. Gloves. Sitting on laps. Eating really stinky tripe.
Blu was scared of:
Cats (and kittens).